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I help free up more time for you, enabling you more freedom to CREATE.
Hi there,
I provide photo retouching services to professional photographers, galleries & companies. I specialise in fashion, beauty & portraiture. I value quality work and it is my mission to enhance, perfect and preserve the natural beauty that is already captured. As a photographer myself, I understand how much time culling the process of editing your images can be when you actually need to move on to the next project.
Need your photos printed for an upcoming exhibition or simply for a client print order? Another service I offer after I have retouched your work is to get your photographs printed on behalf of you to save you time from going through that process yourself. With an extensive background as a Fine Art Printing Specialist, I know the ins and outs of correctly setting up files for print, determining which paper is best to test on (colour & quality check) and over seeing the final product.